UltraEspresso, a portal for logic synthesis.

Welcome to the logic synthesis portal UltraEspresso. This portal is the initiative of a community of researchers, which organizes in Italy the annual workshop Giornata Nazionale per la Sintesi Logica ("Italian Logic Synthesis Day").This site makes available open-source software libraries for combinational and sequential logic synthesis, including source code, binaries, examples, and documentation; educational material from schools, workshops, tutorials, and classes; selected publications; and information about upcoming events.

The following libraries are currently available: Espresso, SIS, MVSIS and BALM. The software has been updated to make it compliant with current compilers. More specific information is available in the pages of each tool.

Project supervisors
Tiziano Villa (tiziano.villa@univr.it), Luca Geretti (luca.geretti@univr.it)
Project core team
Anna Bernasconi (anna.bernasconi@unipi.it), Luca Carloni (luca@cs.columbia.edu), Valentina Ciriani (valentina.ciriani@unimi.it), Luca Geretti (luca.geretti@univr.it), Gabriella Trucco (gabriella.trucco@unimi.it), Tiziano Villa (tiziano.villa@univr.it)
Website designer
Riccardo Lora (riccardo.lora@univr.it)